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Runaway loco


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Hi...I sent a tts decoder back to Hornby for checking as there was no sound. They very kindly and promptly posted me a replacement.

I have just replaced the decoder back in the loco and the sound is fine. However, on operating the throttle, nothing happens until i get to the 6th notch then  the brake release sound works fine but the loco then charges forward until I shut down the throttle.

Any help or suggestions would be gratefully received.



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Hi ,,,you don't say what loco you have ,is it steam or diesel ,,,anyway ,the tts Locos have delayed start ,,about 7 seconds ,also they should be run in 128 speed steps ,,,,not 28 ,,,,,so my thinking is your are running in 28'steps and the 7 second delay ends by the time you are on number 6 notch on the controller and number 6 speed setting is pretty quick so the loco races off to reach that speed ,,hope I've explained it right so you understand what I'm talking about ,,,,if I'm right ,which I'm not always ,try running it in 128 speed steps ,,the delay start can be adjusted to zero if you want ,,,anyway hope this helps ,,,keep us informed with the results ,,,mjb

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128 speed steps is default so not likely to be that unless you have specifically changed to 28.  Not likely given you've only just installed the decoder.  More important, what controller are you using?  If not the Select, change CV150 from 0 to 1 and try the other motor algorithm - see your brochure for details.

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