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Needing help with a new DCC railway set

Augustus Caesar

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Did you fit Point Clips to the points?..........if not then when you throw the point to the side the power will be cut to that route...........details here........  https://www.hornby.com/uk-en/hornby-digital-electric-point-clips.html  .........the whole point of DCC is that the whole layout is live to enable any locos to be moving simultaneously..........HB

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Some work for the mods here please.  First, can you delete shepp 's post and HB's reply in DCC in the accessory decoder topic, it has nothing to do with the topic. Always better to start a new topic as you have done here shepp rather than hijacking another topic.  Then mods can you please move this topic to the DCC forum and add to the the title to make it Need help with new DCC set.


Now shepp, as well as the point clips HB has mentioned, good advice by the way, what is the set you have?  And given you have more than one loco, have you changed their loco IDs so they are all different?

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Not a very friendly welcome to a new poster Fishy surely you could have used a word or phrase other than "hijacking" since that word has nothing but negative connotations.  Using "Adding to", instead would have done the trick quite nicely.

Maybe you didn't sleep too well last night and are feeling a little bit grumpy this morning, since just about the whole of your first paragraph seems unusually grumpy.

Have a nice cup of tea and I'm sure you'll feel more positive for the rest of the day.


By the way Shepp welcome to the forum. 

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Hi guys I'm new to this and was wondering if any 1 can help me I recently bought a hornby dcc set for my self and my little girl the problem I got some of the points cut the power to the locos and I can only get one loco going at one time when I should be getting at least 2 or 3 the layout is brand new and I haven't  got a clue what to do thanks 

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I wrote a document for newbies that you might find helpful. Although written specifically for expanding a set using Hornby track packs. It has sections on DC and DCC control and various other things that could be useful to know regarding the distribution of power around your layout set. I would focus on 'Section 6' of my document.


The document in PDF format is downloadable from the sticky thread at the top of the forum 'General Section' and is called: "Getting Started with Track Expansion Packs".


It would be really helpful to us to help you, if you told us either what set ? by Hornby R code number or what DCC controller (Select or eLink) the set has.


In the broadest brush principles. With DCC each loco has to be given a unique DCC address by the user (you). Then using the controller, the user (you) have to select the DCC loco address code you want to control.


Let's say for example you have three locos A, B & C. You call up loco A on your controller and set that off round an oval. You then call up the DCC address for loco B on the controller and command that loco to do something. You then (using the controller) go back to loco A and command it to do something different.


Each time you want a different loco to do a different thing (it remembers the last command given to it and continues to act on that command until told to do something different) you have to select that locos DCC address first.


With a manual controller like the Select, this means a lot of button pushing and knob twirling. With eLink, it is easier as the different locos are represented by control panels on your PC screen. However the eLink control system being PC based needs a lot of configuring to be done, so not best for PC technophobes. Anyway, more of what I have described above is in my recommended reading document I have mentioned above.

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Hijacking is a recognised forum term, just like flaming and trolling and likely several other breaches of forum etiquette. 

The one provokes advice to the poster and the others cautions, warnings and expulsion under the terms of the various forums rules.


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Thanks RDS.


Norman, not being grumpy, but maybe just a little direct in trying to help shepp.  From my perspective, you are likely to get the best outcome from forum members if your problem is put in the correct forum, isn't spread around more than one topic and has a title that gives you a clue to what the problem is. I tend to only glance at General and concentrate on DCC and RM, so a topic in General with a title Need Help, which a lot of newbies use but which gives no clue as to the problem, may be missed by me and others.  But the mods do a good job of helping in this respect, just as they have done here.


Now all we need is for shepp to come back to tell us how he's going and answer some of the questions and suggestions if he needs more help.

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I completely understand and agree with what you are saying, I just feel that the delivery could have been a bit friendlier.

I, and I’m sure many others are not familiar with the forum parlance alluded to by RAF96 in the use of the word highjacking.

When I’ve seen the word used previously on the forum it was usually directed towards a current forum member who was changing a topic mid stream.

I know that if I had received that response on my first post I would have thought that I had put someone’s nose out of joint.

I respect that you and many others on the forum do a great job of providing help and information to new posters and indeed also to some long time members.

You comment on your perspective but I just suggest that you could maybe look at your response from the perspective of an out of their depth newbie.

Surely being direct and being friendly don’t need to be mutually exclusive.

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I don't know why you are asking me this question but I'll answer it anyway.

I do buy DCCconcepts products but I buy them from Hatton's in the UK.

Reasons being:-

I don't have to pay UK VAT

I don't have to pay Aus. GST.

P&P is cheaper from UK to Adelaide than from Perth to Adelaide.

Delivery from UK takes 7 Days from Perth it took 10 days.

Others may have had different experience but that was mine.

I also generally fit my purchases together with other Hatton's items.

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