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My .ini file is short.

Guest Chrissaf

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Mods, could you please move tsclass's post and this reply to a new topic with a heading like Short ini File please leaving this topic free to solve adam's problem.


tsc, what do you mean by "activating" your ini file?  Do you mean using the cog in the Help window of RM to open it?  If so and it is still short, then shut down RM and rename the file to something like rmini.old, connect and turn your controller and download and install the latest version of RM from the link at the top of the forum. It should now create a new and correct ini file for your configuration. Check again via the cog.

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 when activating my ini file I only get the following. do not know why it is so short compared with the example above.

Tipper speed=80Tipper timer=86.4Turntable speed=40Turntable timer=23.56Points timer=0.75Conveyor speed=65

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The short .INI file issue has come to light before. Not having all the correct entries in it can cause issues**. To correct this anomaly, you need to generate a completely new .INI file. Instructions on how to do this are documented in this post. See the 6th post down on the page and the ones that follow it.




The post above specified an Elite controller, read the instructions as eLink controller if that is what you have instead. Don't ignore the steps in the instructions relating to the controller.


Note** I would be surprised, if your RM is running without issues with only those six lines present, particularly if you have an eLink controller. If you have been living with RM issues and just ignoring them, performing the documented fix will most likely cure them, or at the very least provide an improvement.

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sorry for late reply.

have managed to now swamp the controllers around to have the elite the main controller. I could not do this before.

have not been able to test further.

not got a permanent layout yet, but creating test programs to use when I build my layout in the future. 

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So some noticeable improvements already then. Probably given your stated circumstances of only being in basic test mode, the new .INI file has likely fixed issues that you never actually knew you had.

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