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Tri-ang Transcontinental Locos what DCC chip??

Guest Chrissaf

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I have several Tri-ang Transcontinental locos which are Steam, Diesel and Electric all of which have X04 Motors! What is the best DCC chip to use in these locos they have lights on them and the Steam locos have SYNCROSMOKE units fitted so whats the best way to this? The fifties early examples simply cant be done!

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Colin, The mods have asked more than once if you would kindly refrain from creating your long topic titles in ALL capitals. I have edited your title once more. Just be aware that in future your CAPITALISED (shouting) posts may just be hidden on sight instead.

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I thouight you said you didn't like DCC, Colin!!??

Anyway, as far as I know, there is no DCC decoder that has a powerful enough output to run a smoke unit of any kind. You need to delve into basic electronics, and make an electronic switch that the decoder can operate, that will put track power to the smoke unit. It will also need to be able to rectify the 'fake' AC voltage to DC, and reduce it to 12v. Then you need room inside the loco to fit it.


As has been put before, many times, you need to know what current your locomotive is going to draw from the track at full power, with all lights on, and the motor stalled, then find a decoder that can deliver MORE amps than that, or all that you will see is a puff of smoke, and a shrinking bank balance.

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Please don't stop Colin using capitals.

When I see the capitals I know it's some more nonsense from him and don't bother clicking on the title.

If he doesn't use capitals I will unwittingly click on the title and then cringe when I see his name.

But I still won't read his post.


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An earlier post from CJF

 I have to say i have alot of TRI-ANG locos from the fifties and sixties that have X04 motors i wouldnt want DCC chips in these as i love running these classics and this DCC lark is a yank idea as they want you to DCC everything well early Tri-ang locos cant be done and i wont fit chips to them and if i buy a Hornby loco that has a DCC chip inside i remove it as i say stuff DCC!

Talk about contradiction

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