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J94 class


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Hi there,


the new J94 W D 168 R3533 Lord Phil would fit nicely in my preservation layout, especialy pulling my new warwell.  The material on the site clearly said "D C C Ready", when it arrived the box did not have te usual D C C Ready flash on the front.  When I opened up the loco their was no sign of a D C C socket, or much room to put a chip.  Although I am capable of hard wiring a chip I am disapointed that it turns out that I will have to do it, and probably buy one of those very small decoders as their is not much room.


John Thompson

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You do not need to modify anything. I fitted a Hattons 8 pin harness decoder to mine, and it just fits under the recess in the weight at the front (I.e 90 degrees to the loco, between the chasis and the weight)


Two things though. 1. My motor failed and blew the decoder. Replacement motor and it's now fine 2. The wires going through the chassis to the pick ups break off very easily.

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