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Touch screen monitors

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Hi Everyone. Having spent the last 18 months or so building an 8' x 6' DCC layout I am close to carrying out tests on the layout to check final functionality. I am using ELink with Railmaster on a 15" lap top screen and an iPad linked via the internet/wifi. I am pleased to say that generally speaking everything is working satisfactorily but to operate the 22 points I am considering using a larger touch screen linked to the computer.

Yesterday I checked the forum and found a useful thread on touch screen monitors which gives me some encouragement. However the thread dates back to 2014 and as technology moves on at a pace I am keen to find out if any forum members have purchased a touch screen monitor more recently and would be happy to convey their experiences.

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Thanks for your reply. I have used your link to another thread and found it very useful. Had I initially typed "Touchscreen" instead of "Touch screen" I would have found it first time but have unwittingly started a new thread! At the moment I am looking at an LG 24" monitor for circa £150, but as per the thread, I will cross check my laptop to ensure it is compatible with the monitor and if everything looks ok would hope to buy within the next month. I would like to have the monitor positioned at an angle at the front of the layout with my lap top sitting underneath, so the stand design and optional fitting options for the monitor will also be something for me to take into account.

Thanks again for getting in touch.

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The only thing you need worry about with a monitor being used with a laptop in terms of compatibility is really the socket used for connection. Both should always have a standard VGA socket and possibly either a DVI or HDMI socket as well.

The max resolutiion is usually 1920 x 1080 for a 24" monitor and fora standard 15" laptop this will be perfectly OK.

The next thing to be aware of is the response time. Lower than 5ms is good but if you can get a monitor with a time of just 1 ms then better.

The rest is pretty much standard and not too critical for what you will be doing.

I removed my laptop screen and have a monitor using HDMI and that monitor is a 24" LG believe it or not. It is my preference for monitors and TV anyway.

Just remember dirty fingerprints need cleaning a lot of the time so the screen does not get too greasy.

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