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Railmaster unable to find controller


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Hi Guys, I am wondering if anyone else is having the following problem, I have been using Railmaster with my elite ( v 1.4 ) with no problems up to a couple of days ago, I finished up a session and closed everything down came back to it the following day

and Railmaster can't find the Elite and my start up layout will not display on the screen I tried changing ports with no effect so put it back to the port I have been using went into the design screen got the start up layout up saved it again but it still

wont load up. The pull down box at the top left of the screen is showing 100% I have tried all the settings in this box but I still can't see my layout this also applies to the sample layouts too if anyone can help I would be very grateful.Merry Christmas

to all and All The Best for the New Year.
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I had a problem also but not the same
after 2 or 3 startups my layout was all courupted
every second sraight bit was missing,, and those that were there
were doubled up ( one on top the other)
every time i tried to change the

screen scale it got worse
had to completly rebuild it.
been ok since
that is untill about one hour ago
just finishe laying a new section of track
so thought i would give some locos a spin round
found out that my loco settings had gone wrong

mind what i select ( shunt or cruise ) the bloody things take off
like a bat out of hell ( 0 to top speed in an eye blink )
going to have to put them all back on the programing track to reset them


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