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Elite Set up question


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HI Derek, although the manual (P13 Figure 2) does not show all the wires connected at the same time in the same image it is fine to do so. You yourself will select either "track operation" to control the layout or the "programming option" to code up your decoders - each selection you make will utilise the correct pair of wires. R-


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NO! Connect to track OR prog!

You can leave the prog track connected, if you don't mind ending up with a tangle of wires, but it is all too easy to reprog ALL your decoders to the one you are setting up on the prog track. So ALWAS disconnect from the main track first!

This should really be in the DCC threads!


edit - Rog beat me to it by seconds! Two opinions, totally different! Take your choice!  😛

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Hi again especially ELITE owners

This is one of those maybe obvious but not sure so ask questions.

Should the 4 ( twin red/black ) outlets be connected to both the "TRACK" and "PROG" at the same time ?

ie. does the controller detect which is to be used ? and then  if a loco is on the MAIN TRACK is it safe to program a different loco on the PROG track ?

I cannot find an answer in the manual .



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Eric makes a good point. If you want to programme on the main track Derek ensure you read page 25 of the manual and be aware that all decoders in electrical contact with the main track DCC bus (i.e. locos on the rails) will be programmed with the same values. Much safer to programme on a separate piece of track (connected to the Programming terminals) which is away from the DCC bus.


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You can have both connections made at the same time BUT the program track must be electrically separate from the main layout.  The safest option is to use a completely separate piece of track which has no connection to the main track.

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In theory, the 2 outputs are quite separate.  You should be able to program one only loco on the program track while having others on the main track and programming will not affect those on the main.


In practice, I cannot remember anyone reporting a loco on the main being reprogrammed by programming a loco on the program track.  However, there are many reports that if both are connected at the same time, programming is less reliable.  So to get better results, disconnect the main while programming. 

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