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It's on the site at least: www.hornby.com/uk-en/thecollector


I wonder when they might deign to let existing club members know about the revamp? I know it's only just been announced but there's not even been an email come out!


The site has a "register your interest" form, and the ad in Hornby Magazine talks about 1 November launch, so where does that leave all of us with existing club memberships?  Will it automatically be converted to the new lower band membership for the remainder of our subscription period, or are we stuck with a lame duck membership for potentially many months?


Once they clear that up I guess I'll then have to work out whether it's more economical to continue subscribing to Hornby Magazine separately from the Hornby Club, or cancel HM and take the club upgrade with included HM susbcription..

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The only difference between the two grades of membership is the subscription for Hornby magazine. My magazine subscription is £37-99, the club is charging an extra £40. Cheaper to take the ordinary membership and subscribe to the magazine seperately. 

Stupid question really, but when your copy of Hornby Mag. arrives in the post, is it in perfect condition? I'm not suffering from OCD, but I won't buy a magazine if the cover is creased or has a mark on it. I get a Ferrari Mag. from the US and it comes in a plastic bag, it's usually ok, but just occaisionally it looks asthough it's been through the wars. I have some magazines which are forty years old, and look asthough they came off the shelf this morning. 

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I'm not sure whether to renew my membership that ran out in September and was told to wait until the new club starts in October which has been extended now until 1st Nov. The annual magazine subs paid quarterly is £39.96 so the Collector Club Plus has no more to offer than The Collector Club and paying for your magazine seperately as we all have been doing. It looks like the 10% discount has gone doesn't it?  Anyway we'll see soon enough what the final package will be.

I agree with bulleidboy about enjoying a perfect condition magazine. Only once in 3 years have I had a slightly damaged Hornby mag. Years ago quality magazines offered different levels of packaging (which you had to pay for) to protect your investment. For example a card envelope - but the mags are so much thicker today and Hornby uses thicker paper it seems to protect itself. It's a great magazine. The quality shines all the way through it for me.

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