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Bachmann class 47 with Hornby Decoder Issues and Elink power loss


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Good Morning, 

New to DCC and Rail Master. This may have been discussed already and in which case i would be grateful if someone could direct me to the relevant topic. 

I have a Bachmann class 47 loco to which i have fitted a 21 to 8 pin adaptor with a hornby decoder. 

The loco will not run on the default 003 and i cant seem to write it to another address. When using an Elite i just get error across the screen and when using the CV writing on Rail Master i get the same followed by unobtainable. 

On my first atempt to programme on Rail Master the loco moved forward slowely when writing then stopped. 

I have also had issues with the elink cutting out and not sending power to the track. Light on elink stays steady. It just cuts out after about 10mins. 


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As the eLink and Elite can read CVs, have your tried reading the locos address number? It may possibly not be 3!   

Are you sure the decoder and all its wiring including the harness is correctly installed?  Also ensure the decoder or anything else can't touch anything metal such as the locos chassis.  Is the adaptor plugged in the right way around?  All worth double checking.

As for the eLink no power. If the red light is On when you say you have no power on the rails this seems to suggest to me you have a problem with the track or its wiring. Double check all connections from eLink terminals to the rails.

Ensure any power clip or power track section, if used, is a DCC Digital one not an Analogue version which contains an internal capacitor. The Capacitor can be removed by flipping open the clips cover and snipping off the capacitor inside then refit cover.

If you have a multimeter set to to read AC volts 20v or higher, and connect across the rails. While the AC voltage read wont be accurate, it will be an indication of power being present on the rails. Expect to see a reading of between 13 and 18volts AC or possibly a little more depending on quality of the multimter.


Edit to add... I assume you're disconnecting one of the two systems (Elite or eLink) from the rails or DCC Bus pair of wires when running the other system? You cannot have two DCC systems wired to the rails at the same time even if the unused one is not mains powered.

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Thank you for the update. It is always good to get some form of feedback, even if the original poster has resolved their proplems by themselves as you have done.

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