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21 pin DCC


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Can anyone tell me what pin 12 on a 21pin DCC decoder does? 


Had a look online and it says VCC (3v3 or 5V) doesn't mean anything to me 


asking for a friend as he’s managed to break pin 12 is it needed for an ESU sound decoder?



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Pin 12 is the VCC Output pin. It provides a steady output voltage typically about 3 to 5 volts to operate (power) external custom circuitry. The example used in the Loksound manual is to power a 'Hall Sensor' to detect wheel rotation to control sound 'chuff' rates. See image below. You shouldn't need to use Pin 12 when using a 21 pin decoder for general use. AFAIK, the 'Hall Sensor' wheel rotation detection to control sound chuff rates is more typical on US and European models and not typically used on British models.




PS - VCC is defined as "Voltage Common Collector", but is more commonly used to name a circuit or IC positive power supply rail voltage.

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