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Track lay out

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I am trying to put my track layout on the computer and I have two triple turnouts on the layout but I cannot find any means of putting these on with the choice of icons to select from, there only seems to be double turnouts, is there a way of getting round this, if not I have wasted my time buying Rail master.

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Three way point control logic is supported in RM if you upgrade the Standard edition to the ProPack edition. See pages 88 and 89 of the RM manual.


Not 100% sure, but I suspect that it is not in the RM Standard edition because Hornby do not make 3 way points. You can upgrade to the ProPack edition online from within the RM Standard edition screens.


I believe the limitations of the drawing grid system in RM in the Standard edition track designer, means that you have to represent the three way point using two points sequentially in series as per the drawing on page 89 of the manual. Copy pasted below. But as I am not a ProPack user I can not confirm or not whether the ProPack edition has a specific 3 way point icon to select. A ProPack user can confirm this or not as the case may be. Although I think it unlikely, as a 3 way point would I believe need four on screen buttons to control it and that would be difficult to achieve within the constraints of the track designer grid system. That is at least my interpretation of the manual as written.




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There are many on here using 3 way PECO points with RM ProPack. From what I have read on the forum, they take a bit of setting up, but once configured they work perfectly.

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ProPack feature list in the manual at page 6 includes “Setting Up of ‘smart’ double slip, single slip and 3-way points”. 


These are then covered on pp88-9 of the manual.


Also, remember that your RM trackplan is only there for your convenience, the plan itself is not used by RM.  All RM uses is the buttons and setups to control points, signals and accessories (plus LD if it ever eventuates).  It would work equally well if you just threw these elements anywhere on your plan and had no joining pieces at all.   So don’t worry if it doesn’t look exactly like your real layout like using 2 2-ways for a 3-way, or LH points where it is an RH on your layout etc.

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