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Raspberry Pi DCC commander


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Before this thread gets closed out I would like to set the code to accommodate multiple databytes so I can set trains to 128 speed steps. What the wiki is a little vague on is the error checking and the format of the additional data bytes. 

I would assume that if sending two data bytes there would be two error bytes also? Can any one confirm what a 128 packet would look like?

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Just some posting guidance as a relative newbie.


It really isn't necessary to keep re-quoting the posts of the members you are answering to, particularly when your reply is directly below the post in question. If you just want to bring your reply to the attention of a particular forum member, just mention their @username handle at the beginning of the text, as I have done with your username at the beginning of this reply.


It's not a big issue when the re-quotes are quite short as yours are, but if you re-quote somebody's 'page and a half' of text, it can be off-putting to the readers. Also be aware, that if you use the 'white arrow blue box" quote button on a post that contains an image, your reply will be held back to be authorised by the forum administrator even though the image in the post has already been authorised before. This means that your reply will not appear straight away and will be delayed until Monday if posted on a Friday night. Admin only authorise images during normal weekday office hours.

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