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How can I revert to 1.66 URGENT!


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I have upgraded to 1.67 and found that this does not work with handhelds. As I have a household of screaming / crying children I need the use of multiple handhelds!

I have an older copy on a laptop but handhelds are not registered to that copy.

Any suggestions? e.g. can I copy any files from the laptop?

I have tried the download link on Hornby community site but it still is 1.67 despite saying 1.66!!!!

Help, save my sanity from the wrath of 5 grandchildren desperate to play on grandad's 'Train Set'!!

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We believe this issue has been resolved although were awaiting responses to a couple of emails before uploading a fresh rm_setup file.


We have updated this file so anybody affected by the throttle issue on their hand-helds should download the setup file from www.rail-master.com/rm_setup.exe and install over your existing installation.  There is no need to uninstall or deactivate.


Please let is know either by using the Help Request system in RailMaster or by email to support@rail-master.com if you still experience any issues.

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Thanks everyone - peace is no reigning and my stress level is down - several grandkids now sitting for ages watching or moving trains - with me acting as controller trying to avoid collisions with several trains on the go at once!

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