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super gt international problem


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So sorry to say but is a non- functional product. I rarely complain but this takes the biscuit. It looks exciting but it never works for more than 3 minutes. Often we arrive and try to play and it doesn't work at all. Replacing brushes doesn't appear to make any difference. Sometimes one lane works. Sometimes most of one lane. Sometimes one car only. We must have had 5 minutes full function of it since 2 December. You cannot sell this stuff if it doesn't work! And you can't expect users to have to spend hours trying to fix them. It is cruel and wrong to take money for it. After many wasted hours reading forums to find solutions we are none the wiser. Is it the cars, is it the track connections, is it brushes, tiny bits of brush shorting the tracks? It doesn't matter. We shouldn't have to do this. No, it's the makers of this product and they should be ashamed. Do you expect us to to put it in the bin now and spend more money on the child whose big present turns out to look very exciting but actually doesn't work.

If this is a one-off can it be replaced? Internet forums suggest I am not the only one to be so shocked with this once-great British product. And I can't believe that you at Scalextric are not in receipt of thousands of messages like mine.

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Hi fitipaldi. I hope you've emailed or phoned the Scalextric Customer Services team and contacted the retailer where you bought the set. Most retailers have a 30-day exchange / refund policy, some extend that over Christmas.


This forum is where other Scalextric users try and help out and share tips and tricks to solve issues that can be solved. It looked from your message that you don't want to do that, but let us know if you've changed your mind.


If you haven't already found it, there's a good trouble-shooting page here: www.scalextric.com/uk-en/troubleshooting

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