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I came to switch my layout on this morning and there was no power to the track. The green light on the elink module is on and my RailMaster fires up. I tried switching of the elink module several times and disconnecting the power and USB lead along with the wires to the track to no avail. In a word is my elink goosed cos I am.

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I don't have nor use e-link, but I suspect this question/fault has popped up before.

You say you unplugged the USB. Did you plug it back in to the same place?

Did you unplug anything else?

Are you using the same 'port' as before? I recall reading that it will not auto-select, so you HAVE to use the port they system chose.

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Yes, check the port allocated in Device Manager is 4 or below and the same as set in the RM Setup screen.  Anytime you change your USB configuration, use a different USB port, or connect different devices to your USB ports, you may need to check this. 

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 you say that Railmaster fires up ok - so it doesn't give an error saying it can't talk to the elink ?

If so the issue is on the track side, not on the interface to the elink. Have you checked both the wires to the elink? what about your programming track - can you read a cv from one of your locos? Do you have any accessory decoders fitted? If so do they click the points or light your signals up?

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