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Hi poparon, welcome to the forums.  You haven’t given us much to go on there but let’s see if we can get somewhere anyway. 


With your first loco, have you changed its address from the default 03 to a new address?  You should do this with every loco to leave 03 free for the next new loco yo I get so you can give it an initial test on 03 before changing the address.


If you’ve changed the address of your first loco, that tells you really know how to do it.  Then when trying to reprogram the address on your second loco, have you removed the first from the track?  Also, make sure the track and wheels are clean and apply gentle downward pressure when you try to program it  


Are you getting anywhere now?  If not, takes us through what you’ve done, step by step, not just that the Select has flashed 8 times.

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