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eLink not reading my DCC chips

Guest Chrissaf

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As someone who has moved from a Select to an eLink you will have been used to configuring things the Select way. eLink is different.


Now I am making an assumption here because you haven't told us anything different, so my apologies in advance if this is something you were aware of and have done already.


Look at the back of the eLink, you will notice two lots of output terminals. One set marked "Track" and the other set marked "Prog". Your Select only had one set of output terminals. With the eLink when you want to make changes to loco decoder CVs (such as changing volume for example) you have to connect a short length of track to the eLink "Prog" (Programming) output and put your loco on that piece of programming track before you can read and write the appropriate CVs.


Once you have put the loco you want to adjust the CVs for on the 'Programming Track' you select the loco (in this case your Black 5) in the RailMaster 'Loco Settings' screen and once the correct loco is selected you then click the " i " icon to open the CV reading writing screen.


The CV reading writing screen will open:


Now just a couple of things to note. The Green tick on the right is NOT a 'Save Changes' button. It is a 'Read All CVs" button. The 'Write CV' icon is the pencil icon on the left (highlighted in Yellow).


Now for a TTS Steam locomotive the Master volume is CV number CV178, now you can't read this CV to see what its current value is. But you can write to it to change it. The option range is 0 (low volume) to 8 (high volume). Now I don't have any TTS locos myself so I am not sure what the default setting is. I think it may be 4. So you will need to experiment with this value to see what suits your own personal taste. You said in your post "turn the sound up", so at first try entering 8 into the value box for CV178 and then click the 'pencil' write CV icon. Be patient, and give the eLink a minute to make the change. Now you can't test the volume change whilst the loco is still on the programming track. You will have to put the loco back on the main track and come out of the RailMaster 'Read / Write CV screen (click the red cross on the right, not the green tick) and come out of the 'Loco Setting' screen and go back to the normal loco control screen to test the volume change. If it is as loud as you want it then 'Job Done', if not, go back and repeat all the previous steps changing the value of CV178 as many times as necessary between 0 and 8 until you get the master volume you want.


If you look at your TTS Black 5 datasheet, it will give a range of CV numbers in the CV160  to CV177 range to adjust each sound individually, so you can use that like a sound mixer control panel, but CV178 is the Master Volume affecting all sounds the same.


Note the Master Volume of a TTS Diesel locomotive is not CV178 it is CV182


Your TTS loco datasheet included with the loco specifies all the adjustable CV functions that are supported and what they do. The same principle outlined above for adjusting the volume can be done on any of those CVs too.



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Hi all i know you probley been asked all this a thousand times all ready but ima old Guy Trying new Tricks  and so far its not been fun ill start at the top i brought 4x new hornby dcc  tts sound trains  brought a Select to run them with  one of my locos the volume is very low so i wanted to turn it up louder i was told only a Elite controler   or E-link can do that  

couldent afford a Elite as i think they way over priced  so opted for E-link  couldent set the thing up drove me mad so called some help  65 pounds later E-link set up

Now heres the thing  if i select my new  Black 5  and press sound it turns on if i drive the train it goes and  and down my test track Wahoo now turn sound up !!  no chance found the tab  for CV open it ask it to i think turn sound up Nothing  ask it to find  any other train i put on track  nothing so my gesis its not comunicating with the trains  yet it can move one and  do the sound so im lost whats wrong and how to fix it  Please Help me 

Thank you  for me boreing you all again Sorry  anthoney

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