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Railmaster Screens

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Is it possible within Railmaster to scroll between screens for 2 different levels ?

My layout is on two levels and i cannot view upper level unless i move screen up/down by dragging mouse on screen.

I cannot view all layout at 50% reduction.

I wondered if Railmaster allows for two screens for one plan ?

I have searched Forum for any threads.Thank you for any assistance.

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Two screens (monitors) are not natively supported within the RM software. Some members have come up with some ingenious workarounds with partial success, but a built in RM supported solution is not currently available. There are a few posts on the subject if you search for them. It is knowing how to effectively use the search engine on this forum which is not the best. Your problem is that you want to split a Windows window (the track plan) across two monitors. The workarounds usually involved putting the track plan on one monitor and the throttles on another.


HRMS, did report back in 2015 that they were looking at enhancing multi-screen support, but nothing ever came of it.


My quick forum search returned a few hits such as:





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May I suggest you take another look at your track design too?  I get sitting your 2 levels side by side but can you minimize the number of pieces you include on each level below what you have now so you can see more of the whole thing at once?


RM doesn’t care a hoot about straights and curves, you could remove them all and just have points, signals and accessories in your layout, RM would operate exactly the same.  The straights and curves are there for your convenience only so you can see the routes your trains follow in getting to your points and signals.

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