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Elite Function Buttons

Guest Chrissaf

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Hi guys I have a problem understanding the function numbers on decoders.

the dcc deltic  i own has working lights but how do i know which function number turns them on ?


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Directional loco lights are turned on using the F0 command.


When using the Elite (assuming the latest 1.44 firmware). You call up the loco address you want to control so that its address appears in the LCD display. Press 'Loco' and select the Loco ID you want by either the key pad or rotating a controller knob. Once you have the Loco ID you want displayed, press the controller knob of the knob you want to assign this loco to. Either the controller 1 knob or the controller 2 knob. Turning that knob when you are ready should then move the Loco.


Once the Loco has been selected and assigned to a Controller knob you then press the 'Function' button followed by the zero key, this sends the F0 command....this should turn on the lights.


Some notes and TIPs for you when using Elite Functions.


Pressing the 'Function' button the FIRST time gives access to F0 to F9 [look to the bottom of the LCD display and you will see a row of symbols relating to these functions that indicate their status on or off].


Pressing the 'Function' button again selects F10 to F19, note however that you still follow up with a single numbered key press. For example if you want to switch F16 you DO NOT type in 16, you only press the 6 key.


Pressing the 'Function' button again selects F20 to F28, only press the 0 to 8 to select the function required. i.e. 0 selects F20 & 8 selects F28.


Pressing the 'Function' button again, exits the Function mode.


Pressing the 'Function' button again goes back to displaying F0 to F9


and so on.


Note that you can use the Function button to scroll through the different pages to see the individual function status displayed in the bottom row of the LCD screen.


You can also leave the bottom of the LCD display in Function mode, whilst you use the Elite controls to call up a different Loco ID to control. When you go back to the first Loco to control it again the Elite will remember what Function screen was being displayed before you left it and show it again.


TIP, say you have a sound loco with a whistle on F5. If you press and 'HOLD' the 5 key on the F0 to F9 screen, the whistle will play and the Function will reset off when you release the 5 key. If you only give the 5 key a quick press, the whistle will still play, but the function will lock on preventing you from playing the sound again until it is first pressed again to release the function. So either press and hold the number key, OR press the number key a second time after the sound has played before moving off to a different Elite screen. A quick press will 'Lock On' the selected function i.e F0 for lights or F1 for engine start and running engine sound (sound capable decoders only).


PS - If you haven't got the latest 1.44 firmware installed and your firmware is below 1.42 (the number shows in the LCD display during the Elite power up self test) then I recommend you update your firmware, which you yourself can do at home. Instructions are posted here:



Substitute any references to 1.42 or 1.43 with 1.44, the posts were written prior to the release of 1.44

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