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add a picture to railmaster layout

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It can be done within RailMster ProPack but with limitations. This can't be done with RM Standard Edition only ProPack.


The limitations are:


  1. The graphic file must be a .GIF file (not .JPG or .PNG or .BMP) only .GIF is supported.
  2. Secondly, the .GIF must be no bigger than 50 x 50 pixels. This is a small graphic and doesn't give a lot of scope to be graphically creative. You would need a drawing package that allows you to create images within these two specific criteria i.e a .GIF and only 50 pixels square.
  3. Thirdly, if you can create the image of a tunnel entrance you want within those limitations, then you must save the file using the file naming format "Button_your image name" For example you might name it "Button_tunnel" without the " " marks. Note the use of the underscore " _ " to separate the Button from the name.


Once you have got the image and named it as suggested, copy the file into the C:.............../program files (x86)/railmaster folder.


In RailMaster ProPack open your track layout plan in edit mode and use the "Command Programmable Button Function" see page 95 of the RM manual - extract below.




When you open up this Command Box, you should then see your Tunnel image in the choice of images to select and place on your track plan. Of course, you won't have a program to attach to this image, so although the image will be a clickable button graphic it will not do anything, it will just show on your plan. You might have to create a dummy program to attach to your custom button if the 'Command Function' box won't allow you to leave the program pull down selection box empty.


You could make two 50 x 50 .GIF image files one for the left hand tunnel portal and a mirror image for the right hand tunnel portal and name the files "Button_TunnelLeft" and "Button_TunnelRight" notice that spaces are not permitted in the names. Then place the two custom buttons each side of your track piece in the RM track plan.


Alternatively just place a text marker on the plan saying "Tunnel" (you can do this in RM Standard edition and does not need ProPack).


Or alternatively again,

My own layout has a tunnel. I represent it in my track plan by leaving a gap in the track route path - see image below where a horizontal track route passes through a tunnel under a track route above. There is absolutely no functional need for the track route drawn in the RM track plan to have contiguous track pieces connected together. It is totally acceptable to leave a gap in a track path to indicate the route goes through a tunnel and is out of sight.


You could even use track parts to draw a box to indicate where the tunnel is. Then place a text label saying "Tunnel" inside the box. Text labels are free floating and can be placed anywhere you like.


RM takes absolutely no notice of the track pieces on the drawing whatsoever, all RM is interested in, is what clickable controls you place on the track plan.




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Just quickly knocked this up in PowerPoint as a demonstration to show how you can use existing track pieces to represent either a tunnel or a bridge.




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Hedley, just adding to Chris’s on not needing track pieces, you could remove every last one of them, throw all you points, signals, accessories and TTs randomly around the screen and RM will operate exactly the same, not even the teensiest difference.  The pieces are there entirely for your convenience so you can see the routes your trains are taking. 


Will it ever be different? Yes, when you get LD you will have to add the track pieces where your LD sensors go.

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Hi Fishman 

thanks for your reply and I wonder if LD will ever arrive as I have been looking at all of the posts on the forum about it but maybe HRMS will get there and also they might make it for to use other makes of it like they have done with the TT signals I knew that you could put text labels anywhere on the plan but I didn’t realise that you could miss bits of track of it well it just goes to show that every day I learn something else about RM and I’ll probably learn something new tomorrow as well Hedley 

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