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No throttle operation

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Hi folks, at a loss with this one.

Up until a few days ago, all was fine, but now I've suddenly lost the ability to move any locos using the on-screen throttles. I can use the laptop's touch pad or mouse to physically move the throttle bar to whatever speed I wish, the throttle bar moves on the screen, but nothing happens at the loco. All sound functions will work fine, as normal.

If I open an expanded throttle window, the throttle bar works just fine and the loco moves correctly, with the throttle bar on the small throttle window moving in time with the one on the expanded throttle panel.....

This seems to have happened at the same point in time as I added loco number 11 to the fleet, following its conversion from DC to DCC sound....

I can't find anything in the manual or online, anybody got any clues please?


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I believe this is a fault which has appeared since the introduction of 1.67. If you adjust the throttle using the slider, the speed doesn't change, but if you then click the direction button (forward or reverse) for whichever way you are going, the speed then adjusts to the throttle slider setting. As you say, this only applies to the small throttle, and I think it has been reported to HRMS.


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There have been some reports in the forum in the past where new locos have been added to RM and given a loco ID, thereafter RM control issues have developed. There is no rhyme or reason to it, and the issue seems random and not consistently repeatable. Nobody has come up with a rationale for why it happens or come up with a definitive fix. The workaround fix has been to give the loco in question a different DCC address and leave the problem address unused by any loco.


PS - I would suggest initially deleting the loco from your fleet roster and adding it again from scratch before giving it it's new different DCC address.


If changing the address of loco 11 to something else has no effect, then something else is at play here and needs further investigation. Perhaps linked to what Ray has documented above. So my re-address the loco suggestion is just something you can try with no guarantee that it will resolve your issue.


Some like me, can be very finicky about having numbering gaps in their fleets. I didn't like the idea of starting at address 001 and leaving the decoder default address 003 unused, my solution was to start my loco numbering at 101 as I have no intention of getting anywhere near the 127 address limitation for the 'short address' range (001 to 127). Others like to use long addresses (4 digit) to represent the loco number, but it's all a matter of personal choice. If changing your address 11 to something else works, then it is your choice as to whether you leave address 11 unused as a gap in your numbering scheme or re-address your whole fleet to a different numbering scheme altogether.



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 Chris, tried re-addressing the loco already, made no difference. It was tested at the 003 default then re-coded to suit. I have diesels with 4-figure addresses corresponding to their running numbers, steam engines at present use the last 4 digits of their running number, until I reach a situation where I have a clash of numbers and then I'll have to do a rethink, haha.

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EDIT to my last reply: I have just fired up my layout and RM 1.67. My small throttle and large throttle operate in perfect synchronisation, OK only one sound loco tried, but I cannot observe the issue reported.


Between the 23rd and 28th December HRMS released four versions of the 1.67 installer. ALL reporting themselves to be version 1.67.0 so depending upon which date you actually updated from version 1.66 you may not have the very latest version installed. To be absolutely sure that you have the latest version, download the current installer from the link at the top of the RM forum section, right click the downloaded file and choose 'Run as administrator'. There is no need to deactivate RM, or uninstall the existing version first, just run the installer over the top (obviously do this without RM running).


It was tested at the 003 default then re-coded to suit.


When it was tested at 003, did RM work without issue? i.e your small throttles worked as expected.


If so, then maybe a factory default reset (8 to CV8) then try again (with a different address to 11) might have better results.

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Have you by any chance turned off the 'send real-time speed data' option in the system settings? There's a bug in 1.67, which I have reported to HRMS, which causes exactly the behaviour that you describe if the option is off (I thought it affected both small and large throttles, but I've just checked and the large throttle seems OK now, as you describe).


Regards, John


Edit: you may need to restart RM after turning on the option for it to take effect - another bug!

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 Well, what do you know! It was off, turned it on, rebooted Railmaster and lo and behold it all works again! Thanks for that John, and thanks guys for the speedy input.

Thing is, I don't recall ever touching that check-box at any time...... ah well, never mind.

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