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Changing CV values not working

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I have tried to change the cv value for acceleration, deceleration, max speed and mid speed for two different locos and the changes do not work even though the new cv values have definitely been written. To clarify, I wanted to increase the top speed of two slowish shunters and when I increase the cv values for the two decoders used (Hattons and Gaugemaster) both locos run very slowly rather than quicker. 

If I reset the cv values to the original settings ( in most cases ‘0’) the locos work OK, but slower than I would like. I have googled extensively to try and find a solution but with no success. Can anybody throw some light on this problem?

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Shunters by their very nature run slowly even at max speed. Granted, some of the earlier Hornby 0-6-0 locos would rocket along at a fair old pace, but the more modern stuff is a little bit more prototypical and has lower gearing.


Also, you posted in the RailMaster forum. So although you haven't said what controller you are using, let us assume it is RailMaster. RailMaster uses 'scale speeds', this makes 0-6-0 Shunters run even more slowly. You can turn off 'Scale Speeds' in the RM 'System Settings' screen. Then compare the Shunter's speed with 'Scale Speed' turned off and then on.

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