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Can anyone help me on what seams a simple task. I'm new to scalextric and bought the le mans 24 hour arc air set and the quick start manual suggest calibrating the cars,however I cannot find how to do it. When in the race mode I cannot get the calibrate window just the power graph is displayed. What I'm  I doing wrong? The App appears to be working and in the race mode counting the laps,times eta, so I'm  connected OK. Any suggestions?

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On the original app, you'd almost always be prompted to calibrate the car - which could get quite annoying. It looks like removing that is one of the things that has changed on the new v2.0 ARC app. But it does mean the task is hidden away and not as easy to find.


The way to calibrate the car - and you are only setting the minimum speed here - is to choose your race mode (eg Grand Prix), tap 'Driver Setup', tap a driver/car box - which takes you into a more detailed 'Driver Setup'. Scroll down to 'Calibrate Car', tap that box and that takes you to the calibration screen where you follow the instructions to calibrate the car. This process is simpler on the new app, involving less screens and the calibration has less power steps. Once that's done, go back out and do the second car (on the same lane).


I find that if I'm running similar Scalextric cars, then the calibration is not so important, especially if I set the calibration a notch or two above the absolute minimum speed for a car to get round my track. Switching from non-mag cars to cars with magnets (and vice versa) does mean a new calibration.


Good luck!

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