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Hornby surface mounted point motors

welsh dragon

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Hi to all.
As I have mentioned previously that accessory decoders are un available at the moment. I need to set up ten of these motors so I have purchased five, I am told that the mounting of these motors has to be precise can you give me some help,

advice and tips for me to carrt out this task. Is it possible to test that the points move correctly after fitting without the decoder just as a test?
Kindest regards welshdragon
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They have to be flat and allow the point bar to move freely ( that can be tested by hand) Don't screw them down too tightly and adjust the screw tension if its not throwing well. Takes a bit of fiddling with, but actually they are very easy and reliable.


you want to test it electrically before you get the decoder, then just apply 15vDC across either the red/green and black so by reversing the polarity it should throw.

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To Stevecamdon, Thank you for your reply I shall follow your guide lines, and was not sure that you could move the arm on the motor by hand without causing some damage and as being able to check they work with 15 v power source thats great. many thanks


Kindest regards welshdragon
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