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Train Tech PC2 & RailMaster v1.68

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I have 2 Train Tech PC2s. I'm using them with RailMaster & Elink. I've just upgraded to RMv1.68. The first PC2 I set up with RMv1.67 to use IDs 1-4, no problem. So, having installed RMv1.68 I went to set up the other PC2 to use IDs 5-8. Same procedure as for the first PC2, ID 5 for channel 1, seems to accept it ok (noise from correct point motor), but IDs are 8-11 not 5-8 ?!?! 


I contacted Train tech who suggested some more tests for me to do. The same happens with the second PC2 if try to set channel 1 to 9 or 13 or 17 etc. The actual IDs are out by 3! Likewise if I try to program the channels individually rather than let them be sequenced automatically.


Thinking it might be a problem with the PC2 itself, I decided to check by resetting the first PC2 (i.e. the one set to to IDs 1-4). To do so, so that it wouldn't conflict, I first tried setting it to IDs 17-20 - out by 3, i.e. IDs set are 20-23. Trying to reset that PC2 to 1-4 resulted in IDs 4-7!!

I've tried several times, but with the same results. I'm beginning to wonder if it's a problem with PMv1.68.


Has anyone else tried setting up PC2s with RMv1.68? Does anyone have a link to RMv1.67 so that I can revert and try testing with the previous version? Anyone seen anything similar or have any other suggestions?

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Does anyone have a link to RMv1.67 so that I can revert and try testing with the previous version?


I have uploaded my copy of 1.67 (last stable release) to my ISP Cloud service. Click the link below and then download the Zipped version of the file by clicking the file name in the top left hand corner. You will have to use an UnZip utility to extract the 1.67 RM setup .exe file. My storage cloud does not allow the uploading of files with a .COM or .EXE extension, hence putting it in a Zip.




I won't be around forever to provide this service. I suggest it would be prudent for ALL to keep their own local copies of previous RM versions as I do (easy enough to do from the download link on the forum as they get released).


Note that my download link will probably time-out eventually, so get the file while you can.


Note: You say in the first line of your post "using them with RailMaster & Elink" (eLink).


I assume that this is not a typo and you are genuinely using an eLink and not an Elite. The reason I raise this query, is that when using the Elite with RM, there is a known situation where point numbering is offset by 3 if the Elite is in 'Classic' mode. The Elite has to be in 'Standard' mode to have synchronised point numbering with RM. This 'Classic' vs 'Standard' operating mode is not applicable to an eLink.


So if you do indeed have an Elite and not an eLink, then look at the Elite 'start up' display and see if it says 'Classic' or 'Standard'. If it says 'Classic' change the mode to 'Standard' as described in the Elite manual.

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Thanks, Chris


Entirely my fault, I'm afraid!! It'll teach me to RTFM and not assume I remember how I did it before! I reverted to RMv1.67 and the same happened as with RMv1.68. So, I re-read the TT "manual" and, although it wasn't completely clear, I worked out how I must've done it before and got it to work ok. Then re-installing RMv1.68 proved that it worked fine there too.


I am using ELink by the way, not Elite. Interesting that doing it the way I did, wrongly, should offset by 3 though! The key is to set the ID# for the channel, then press the Learn button on the PC2, then select the red/green traffic light (which obviously sends a signal to the PC2 setting the IDs), then exit the decoder setup even though RM complains that you haven't saved anything. What I had been doing, wrongly, was to set the ID#, press the Learn button but then select the write button (bottom left of the decoder screen), at which point I head a noise from one of the point motors and assumed that the address(es) had been written back. WRONG!


Sorry to waste your time, but at least it's made me back-up v1.67 & v1.68.


Thanks again!



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then exit the decoder setup even though RM complains that you haven't saved anything.


You don't configure 'self learning' decoder products such as the TT PC2 using the RM Accessory Decoder setup (configuration) screen.


You use the normal layout operating screen in RM after adding your point configuration to the track layout mimic in the 'layout design' screen. Then when in the normal RM operating screen, you put the decoder in learn mode, then click the point icon on the layout screen associated with the address you want to set in the decoder. However, if you have upgraded RM to ProPack, then you can use the 'test point' button in the 'layout design' screen instead, which does the same thing.


The Accessory Decoder screens in RM are used ONLY for the Hornby brand Accessory Decoders plus a small number of other brands that use CV513 DCC address programming.

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Crikes! Ok, so why are the self-learning products, such as the Train Tech PC2 in the Accessory Decoder setup screen?!


I assume the Hornby products such as the R8247 can only be setup using this screen and the Programming track with ELink in PROG mode? Do you know if Hornby have any plans to change this process?



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This is the extract from the TT PC2 manual. The bits of text I have highlighted in yellow describe how to use ANY DCC controller to configure the decoder, including RailMaster / eLink. The text in yellow, in essence, says that you use the controller in its normal 'operate the point' mode. In RM, this is the normal track layout operating screen.




However, that said. I have just fired up my copy of RM 1.68 and looked at the Accessory Decoder configuration screen, and as you say the TT PC2 is listed in the pull down selection box. But I also note that at the bottom of the screen there is a message saying connect the TT PC2 to the main track i.e NOT the programming track AND on the RED button to the right of the address column it says 'Test Port' when you hover the cursor over the button. So, you are not really using the Accessory Decoder screen the same way as you would for the R8247 or other CV513 configured decoder brands, where you connect the Accessory Decoder to the 'Prog A&B' controller output.


Therefore, It would seem that HRMS have included the ability to send a point operate packet to the track from this screen as a 'Test' feature as an optional feature of the software.


It is definitely an operate point packet that this Accessory Decoder screen is sending, because if I click the 'Test' button for TT PC2 Accessory Decoder port 1, DCC address 1. Then the point associated with my DCC address 1 on my Hornby R8247 port 1 operates. Thus proving that all this screen is doing is replicating what the main layout screen is doing. This feature must have been added to a later release of RM as it was not present AFAIK in much earlier RM versions.


For 'self learning' decoders, one would normally use the main layout operating screen as all the manual instructions above recommend. But that requires the user to set up his/her track layout plan first using the 'Track Layout Design' screen, so that point operate buttons can be configured on the plan.


As I see it, adding this feature here in the Accessory Decoder screen, allows 'self learning' Accessory Decoders to be set up prior to the user creating his/her track plan, and would appear to be a new undocumented feature of current RM releases.




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Thanks, Chris


The message saying saying connect the decoder to track output and set switch to "learn" was right next to the write button, so I assumed that this must write the appropriate ID# to the PC2. When it did, but out by a factor of 3, I was really confused!! Anyway, now (I hope) it's clear and should be simpler for any self-learn decoder in the future.


Thanks again.



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