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Railroad Class 20 TTS


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Has anybody else experienced a new (last month) Railroad Class 20 TTS pretending to be dead when first placed on the line? There seems to be discussion about this problem on other forums, but strangely not this one, Hornbys. If you pick up the model. turn it round and replace it on the track, it then bursts into life. That is, until you go into programming mode to change the address CV. Then it dies again, and only physically reversing its direction yet again enlivens it. A most peculiar trait, and a complete nuisance. However, the model is such good value for money, and sounds great whilst working; the fault to my mind is some kind of simple electrical aberration. My particular model has been re-livered to maroon Metropolitan by a professional, so it now looks transformed, with silver painted door handles and handrails plus full decals; you would never guess its humble Railroad heritage. Therefore I have no desire for a refund, I'd just like a 'normal' loco.

I have requested Hornby (or a knowlegeable fellow owner reading this topic who has fixed their own loco successfully) to please share; however readers with theories would prove unhelpful.

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There seems to be discussion about this problem on other forums, but strangely not this one, Hornbys.


There is most definitely discussions about this 'only works one way round issue' on this forum. Pages of them to be precise. It can't be fixed by yourself at home. You have to send the decoder to Hornby to have the decoder firmware upgraded. The link Rog(RJ) provided covers the details.

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