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E-Link No Green Light

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Hi All,

In the last three months 2 x e-link controllers have died (no green light, no power output) first one after 1 month and the other after 3??? no shorts any idears or am i just lucky like that?


I dont want to buy another one if they are rubbish. tomorrow i was planing to nip into Hornby and buy an Elite controller instead if they have one in stock or should I get another e-link???


Anyone else had this happen to them?  

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Hi Green man

try disconecting everything from the elink and see if the light comes on and if not I would contact the place you have purchased it from for an exchange under warranty ( which you also should have done with the first one ) and see if they’ll exchange it if not contact Hornby service centre for advice as I have had my elink controller for a year now with no problems.

also are you sure that you haven’t got a couple of wires the wrong way round compared to the other ones which is causing a short circuit as I would think ( but I might be wrong ) that maybe damaging the controller 


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