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Elite Update Failed with Windows 7 64 bit


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Starting a new thread as just need to know if anyone has found a way to update the ELite with Windows 7 64 bit?

Have tried:

Different ports
Running install programme emulating XP SP 2 and sp 3
1.3 and 1.4 updates
Different USB cable


I am able to communicate with the Elite and get no other errors other than 'Instalation Failed' after it tries to update.

I now have a non working Elite after, as suggested by Hornby, holding the stop button down (before applying power) for 15 seconds

to overcome the connection error.

Final grumble, why does a: Hornby make this so complicated (and railmaster!) and b:Don't they test with allcurrent operating systems before releasing. there obviously is an issue with 64 bit windows 7, and it's not

exactlya new OS now.
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i had to send my elite back for exact same thing i contacted customer support from here first then had an email reply advising what to try but nothing worked for me so it went back had it back within a week of sending it so well done a thought
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Hi Cruiser, thanks for your reply

Well I have tried everything now, even an XP machine. Some interesting additions to the instructions.

Afetr powering up with stop button pressed for 15 seconds, release and wait for 15 seconds before plugging

in USB cable
Then wait another 15 seconds
Then run install file as administrator

Then got a communication error and it wont even try to load the software!

Instructions now say this process has been tested on Windows 7 32 and 64 bit (Hmmmmm)

the installation fail error has dissapeared from the instructions!

All in all I am not happy. Wasted hours on this to no availand HAD a working Elite with Railmaster!

I think my Elite must be faulty. Did Hornby charge for whatever it is they

did? Di d they tell you what was wrong? And, have you dared try another update??!

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hi michael, my elite was brand new when i tried the update had only just bought it and i also used windows 7 64 bit for the update and had same fault at end constantly ...update fail even went to the bother of installing windows xp on another partition

and it still failed but if you get in contact with customer care you should gat an answer what to do my repair was free and it came back with version 1.4 installed within a week of sending so i was more than happy with that my elite was also dead before it

went back green light came on but only when trying to flash it
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