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TTS vent van


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Ian, just to be crystal clear.


None of the Hornby TTS decoders operate on DC supplies.


The TTS VAN would need a DCC controller to operate it. It would also need to be a controller capable of sending all the DCC  'function' commands from F0 to F25. The DCC controllers at the cheaper end of the market may not be able to do that, so research is needed. Then there is the cost implications.


The Hornby Select would need to have firmware level version 1.5 to be 100% compatible with the DCC decoder in the TTS VAN. The current Hornby RRP (Recommended Retail Price) for the Select is £122 you could probably pick up an older version second-hand for less, but then you would most likely have to pay a £15 firmware upgrade charge to upgrade it to version 1.5


The TTS VAN RRP is £40 thus your total spend for some basic ambient sounds could be as much as £162.


There are other ways to get sounds for a DC layout (particularly using an existing Laptop) for far less than that level of spend.

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Follow up to my previous reply.


This previous post gives a couple of solutions others (me included) have created to do something similar.




Granted, the posted solutions may not be within your skill set to replicate, but there is a simpler ready to run PC based option. The Windows Operating System includes 'Windows Media Player' as standard. Media Player can be a very powerful tool, once you learn how to get the best out of it. Open Media Player in 'Library Mode' see the 'View' menu 'Library' option. Media Player in Windows 7 is more appropriate for this than the APP included in Windows 10. This clickable link will tell you how to find the hidden similar to Win 7 version of Media Player in Win 10.


Media Player can play a wide range of file types including .WAV and .MP3 amongst others. If you search hard enough you can find Railway related sound files on the Internet. If necessary they can be edited with any free downloadable sound file editor. This is how I created the sounds in my SoundFX project described in the first linked page above.


Once you have a selection of suitable sounds they can be added to the Windows Media Player Library for playback.


Playlists can be created that sequence the files to play in specific orders (or in a random order) or played individually either once or in a continual loop. The only limits are your imagination.



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