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French Pioneer

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First change! It would appear that the Line Infantryman's coat is unsuitable as this is the post-1812 shortened version, whereas our Pioneers coat tail would have been the long type as on the 01553 French Grenadier, so this kit becomes my starting point.


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Originally all French coats had long tails, then in 1812 Napoleon decreed that the Line Infantry should have short tails like the Spencer jacket. Grenadiers retained their long tails as a distinction. Regimental commanders had some say in the dress of Pioneers and Musicians. This Pioneer has crossed axes on each upper arm as well as his apron - is this where the term 'wood butchers' comes from?


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French Pioneer of the 94th Regiment of Line Infantry, 1807.As with Musicians, Regimental Commanders had licence to add features to the Sapper's dress. As well as the apron and axe he has crossed axes on each arm.He has changed arms (and possibly legs, I took them from spares I have), the axe is from the ACW American Soldier, not sure where the musket and sword came from (spares) and I made the apron and belts from lead foil.http://pic100.picturetrail.com/VOL761/13303934/24807900/413918455.jpghttp://pic100.picturetrail.com/VOL761/13303934/24807900/413918454.jpghttp://pic100.picturetrail.com/VOL761/13303934/24807900/413918456.jpghttp://pic100.picturetrail.com/VOL761/13303934/24807900/413918453.jpg

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i'd buy all airfix releases when i was a boy [series 1-3, anything above being outside of pocket money range] and recall these figures quite fondly.  the 'imperial guardsman' made a super model, as you've demonstrated [alterations noted].

the polish lancer was also quite nice.  the british infantryman was a trifle thin i thought.

and it's nice to see that these kits are appreciated today - a good group build selection and a worthy model.

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 Thanks. The Airfix 54mm Collector Series still stand up well today. I'd love to see them re-issued and the range even expanded (I think Airfix missed an opportunity in 2015 - the 200th Anniversary of Waterloo). New figures could even offer alternative headwear (for example) to encourage multiple purchases (like how the newest aircraft kits have been marketed).

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  • 2 months later...

French Pioneer of the 94th Regiment of Line Infantry, 1807.As with Musicians, Regimental Commanders had licence to add features to the Sapper's dress. As well as the apron and axe he has crossed axes on each arm.He has changed arms (and possibly legs, I took them from spares I have), the axe is from the ACW American Soldier, not sure where the musket and sword came from (spares) and I made the apron and belts from lead foil.

Very very nicely done! Great looking piece and bvery neatly painted.  I like this figure!.

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