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Setting static IP address for Elink in Windows 10

Guest Chrissaf

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Please can anyone tell me in plain english how to set a static IP address in Windows 10 to respond to "WARNING: Railmaster is configured for remote devices, yet the network configuration is set to obtain an IP address automatically."  I Have read the PDF guide but Windows 10 seems to bear no relation to previous Windows described in the guide. I had the system working last year but now feel that I am going round in ever decreasing circles. 

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Go back to the help website I gave the link for and use the 'contact me email' link on AC's web site. I'm sure he will try to help you direct 'one on one'. Please note however, that AC runs his own IT business as a full time job, so there may be a delay in him returning your contact for help request.


I suggest that in your support request to him that you are very specific in detailing exactly what PC hardware / software you use, what you have done and in what order, include any details of 'error' messages you get. The more information you give, the easier it will be for him to help. It is not very helpful to just say "I have followed instructions and I can't get it working". Oh and mention that you have raised this post and provide a link to it in your mail that he can use for reference.

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As RAF and Chris have both advised my Help Site does go through this process with detail.

However, as you have attemtped to go through this I advise you contact myself via the online form on the site as Chris has suggested.

Then I will be able to sort this issue for you.

From what I gather from the limited information supplied it should be a fairly simple process to sort.

Whilst I am a busy fellow I do try and get mail back to members who contact me very quickly so there shouldn't be too much a problem. I leave it with you...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just to let everyone know who may have been curious about this particular problem... it has now been solved.


Following a couple of emails back and forth David changed some settings as guided by myself and everything is working...


In his own words (and I am sure he won't mind me dropping this in)...

"After digesting your advice I changed the settings for the Ethernet connection even though the Ethernet is disconnected and now Railmaster works. I wish I knew why."

This has been explained so no worries there. I have also offered further help if the situation arises again or similar.


So we have another happy railway modeller running trains again... 😎

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