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DCC Concepts Accessory Decoders


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My layout is a triple oval with about 35 meters of track and 14 points/turnouts. The system is controlled by Hornby RailMaster via elink. Originally, I only had 10 points operated by DCC Concepts accessory decoders one ADS-2sx and one ADS-8sx, I modified my layout and added four more points and two more ADS-2sx units. However, with all accessory decoders wired into the system and the system powered up the elink only makes a clicking sound and the light flashes. If I remove either of the two new ADS-2sx units the system starts normally. At this stage I have not connected my PC, which has a Windows 10 OS. My question is, have I reached the limit of the RailMaster/elink combo?

Would upgrading to a 4amp power supply help, or having separate track and accessory power supplies do the trick. I am even thinking of a totally new control system.

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What happens if instead of removing one or other of the two NEW decoders, you remove one of the original decoders. If removing an original decoder you still get the same fix, then that would prove that the new decoders are unlikely to be faulty.


Individually, I don't think that the DCC Concepts decoders are particularly current hungry when idle. So it depends on how many DCC locos, carriages with lighting, and other accessories you have sitting on the track drawing power as well.


If the new decoders are not faulty and you have a number of other devices drawing current, then it is most likely that you have reached the limit of the standard eLink 1 amp power supply. If that is the case, then upgrading to the 4 amp power supply would definitely help and probably provide a permanent fix.


The P9300 is shown out of stock in the Hornby shop, but shown in stock with various online retailers this one for example:

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I had exactly the same fault as you describe when converting my layout to DCC. Basically, the supplied eLink power supply is not man enough to drive more than one or two ADS-8fX accessory decoders. The inrush current to charge the capacitors far exceeded the 1A limit when connected to my 4 ADS-8fX decoders plus other accessory decoders. Changing to a 4A supply cleared the fault immediately.

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It is not necessary to buy the Honrby 4A power supply. I operate my Elink succesfully using a much cheaper, suitable laptop power adapter. I found the details within this forum. Lots of info if you search. Here's an example. Just be careful of rating, and size and polarity of the plug. 


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Hi, and thanks for all the replies.

Chris, to answer your questions, I hadn’t tried to disconnect one of the original decoders so I did. So, with the two new decoders wired in and the original 2sx disconnected after three clicks the system started. Which would tie in with papajulietdelta’s theory about the number of capacitors. With this in mind, I reconnected the 2sx and switched the system back on. It took nine clicks to start the system. To answer your second question, there was nothing else to draw power from the track. As suggested it looks like I need more Amps.

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I had exactly the same fault as you describe when converting my layout to DCC. Basically, the supplied eLink power supply is not man enough to drive more than one or two ADS-8fX accessory decoders. The inrush current to charge the capacitors far exceeded the 1A limit when connected to my 4 ADS-8fX decoders plus other accessory decoders. Changing to a 4A supply cleared the fault immediately.

Exactly, a single ADS-8fx with fully discharged capacitors will draw approx 400mA ie 0.4 Amps at start up! So two will be pretty close to 1 amp at start up and may trip the controller if a 1 amp supply is used. As the capacitors charge briefly before tripping the next reset will result in a lower inrush but may still trip the controller and so on Trip-Reset until the Accessory Decoder capacitors are fully charged at which point the controller can start normally.


The only solution is to upgrade the PSU to 4 Amp, but also consider adding a current limiting device (a 12volt 21watt filament bulb will do the trick for 50 pence. Note: Not an LED as that will not work) for the Accessory decoder bus that will limit he inrush to 1.8 amp approx if using several ADS-8fx Acc Decoders.


We seem to get a lot of questions in the same vein regarding these Accessory Decoders so maybe this could be highlighted in some way?

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/media/tinymce_upload/b8519a31b9a2e1e3c764ec1e72b3ecba.jpgWith the difficulty of obtaining a Hornby 4amp powere supply, is 5amps too much?

I found this on ebay; 15V 5A 75W Laptop AC Adapter Power Supply For TOSHIBA Satellite M100 6.3*3.0

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