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unrecognized database


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Hi there,

I have a problem with my railmaster, I get this error message and my list of trains has disappeared:-

FilesRailmasterunrecognized database Format C:Program FilesRailmasterResource.mdb:

I don't know what this means and how can I fix it?

Paul Willis

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resource.mdb is a database file that contains all the information about your trains. The file is normally located in your railmaster program folder.

C:...........Program Files (x86)railmaster


Either the file is missing for some reason or it has become corrupted such that the RailMaster application cannot read it.


  • Use 'Windows Explorer' file manager (part of ALL Windows versions operating systems) to find the resource.mdb file.
  • If resource.mdb is present in the railmaster program folder, then temporarily move it to a temporary folder or onto a memory stick.
  • With the resource.mdb file saved elsewhere, look for and find the file resource.bak (in the same folder).
  • Assuming that resource.bak is present, 'right click' it and choose the 'rename' option. Rename the file to resource.mdb to replace the file you have just saved elsewhere. A .BAK file is a 'back-up' copy of the file with the same name.
  • Note that RailMaster must not be running when you do the above.
  • With the file renamed, start RailMaster again and see if the issue has been fixed.
  • If the issue is fixed, then you can safely delete the copy you have saved elsewhere. The next time RailMaster closes, a new resource.bak file will be created to replace the one you have just renamed to .mdb.
  • If the issue is not fixed, then the resource.bak file must have been corrupted too. In which case the only option open to you is to start afresh and re-enter ALL your loco data from scratch. You will also have to re-enter all your loco information if BOTH the .mdb AND .bak versions of the resource file are missing.
  • If both files are missing, you will need to recreate a new file to clear the error message before you can start re-populating it with your loco roster. To create a completely new blank resource.mdb file. Download the RailMaster installer from the link at the top of this forum section (currently at time of writing, labelled as version 1.69.2). Just run this downloaded file to over-write your current RailMaster installation (do not uninstall your current version first). Running the installer will place a new (empty) resource.mdb file on your system. The error message should then not show any more, but you will have to re-enter all your locos again.


Note: If you upgrade your RailMaster to the ProPack edition (online within application process costing about £35 give or take a bit). Then ProPack includes a 'back-up' feature that will back-up ALL your layout specific data i.e. locos, track plan, programs etc to a defined location such as a back up drive / folder or memory stick. Thus, if this issue happened again you can use the ProPack back-up feature to restore all your lost data from the back-ups. Alternatively, you can do exactly the same by manually saving any and ALL files that are in your Railmaster program folder that have the .BAK extension to a back-up folder location or memory stick. Remember that the back-ups will need updating if and when you make any configuration changes to RailMaster or add new loco purchases. The 'back-ups' are only as good as the last back-up taken.

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Hi Paul,


It means the database file has been corrupted in some way and is unusable in its current state. If you look in the Railmaster folder, you will find there is also a file called resource.bak. You could try using this one instead as follows. Without Railmaster loaded, use the Windows File Explorer to list the files in your Railmaster folder. Right-click on the file resource.mdb and select "rename". Change the name of the file to resource.bad. Then right-click on the file called resource.bak and select the rename option here too. Change the name of the file to resource.mdb. Then try Railmaster again. If it works this time, examine your list of locos, as the changes you last made may need to be redone. If the rename hasn't fixed the problem, then if you have kept a backup of railmaster, a restore of the resource.mdb file from the backup may work. If none of these fix the problem, then the only option left is to start again from scratch with your locos list. To do this, you need to delete the resource.mdb file, then to reinstall Railmaster using the link at the top of this Forum - no need to uninstall first.


Hope this helps.




Chris - you beat me to it again  😀

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Well at least Ray we are both singing from the same Hymn sheet. Identical solutions with just a slight variation regarding what to do with the corrupted .mdb file. I said move it elsewhere you said rename it .bad. At the end of the day either suggestion will have the same outcome.

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