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Dcc conversion of a metal frame loco


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Hello every one i am a newbie to this hobby and need some help i am trying to convert an old 0-6-4 loco from dc to dcc i have already blown one decoder now i have found out that the front 4 wheels and frame being metal was the cause of short circuit after removing the frame the conversion is successfull the engine runs well in both directions but wthout the front 4 wheels it looks odd is there any way to get the frame in non conductive materials ie plastic thanks in advance 

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Mushtaq, welcome to the forums.  Some more details on exactly what loco you are talking about would help tremendously.


In the meantime, check the wheels on your pony truck.  2 on one side should have plastic bushes around the axle, the 2 on the other side not.  Make sure they are there and on the same side as the bushed driving wheels. If they are wrong way around or missing, that will be the reason you’ve shorted out and blown the decoder. 

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