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Some points not working?

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Hi, i have only just started with railmaster, can you say what i am doing wrong. When i drag the red & green points switches on to the template save & view back at the main page, some work & some dont. IE: 2/4/6 dont, yet 1/3/5 are fine.



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When you drag ONE of the point buttons, drag it to the CENTRE of the point, then release it. This button AND the other button should then "snap" into their correct positions. If you try to place them yourself, you end up with the situation you describe.



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As Ray has suggested you've not "released" the point buttons correctly. The control buttons for points 2, 4 & 6 are the wrong way round - red should be on the left, green on the right. But don't try to place them individually yourself, use the SNAP process described by Ray.

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And just to add my twopennyworth to re-affirm what others have just said. This text extract below copied and pasted from a reply I made just yesterday. It gives a little bit more 'How To' do it correctly detail.


........when placing the operating buttons on the plan. Drag the Red button from the left hand selection column and place your dragged cursor (not the dragged button) into the MIDDLE of the point icon (the middle of the design plan square), then release the left mouse drag button. Both the Red & Green operating buttons should then SNAP to their correct operating positions on the plan (even though you have only been dragging the Red button on its own). If you don't observe this Red & Green 'snapping' button action, then you have done it wrong and you should try again. It rarely works properly if you try and place the Red & Green operating buttons MANUALLY onto their final positions.

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A'ha, thats done it. Somthing so simple. Sorry for not getting back so quick, but for some reason i never get emails to say somone has posted. Is there a box i havnt ticked someware? It also dosnt help that all posts have to be aproved. It makes it very dificult to have a normal forum conversation. 


Thanks again.

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Is there a box I haven't ticked somewhere?


There is no email "you have a new reply" notification function on this forum.


It also doesn't help that all posts have to be approved.


Only posts with images / photos are held back for approval. 'Text only' posts are published instantly. With one exception, 'text only' posts are held back if the forum 'profanity' filter detects a banned word. If you can't see your post being instantly published, then maybe you need to reload / refresh your browser page.



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