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How would i design this in railmaster pro

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Here is Paul's points photo copied from his other thread. It starts with two input tracks on the right hand side, expanding into a total of six possible routes towards the left hand side.




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How about this ......



I have repeated the design in the second image to make it clearer without the blue boxes and arrows. I know the points on the diagram making up the double slips look nothing like a double slip on your layout, but they do work in practice.


Hope this helps.



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I knew Ray would come up with the goods, he always does in these types of questions.


Paul, just remember when placing the operating buttons on the plan. Drag the Red button from the left hand selection column and place your dragged cursor (not the dragged button) into the MIDDLE of the point icon, then release the left mouse drag button. Both the Red & Green operating buttons should then SNAP to their correct operating positions on the plan (even though you have only been dragging the Red button on its own). If you don't observe this Red & Green 'snapping' button action, then you have done it wrong and you should try again. It rarely works properly if you try and place the Red & Green operating buttons MANUALLY onto their final positions.

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Hi Ray 

That looks perfect i can see how the points make the double slips and three way points,its easy to do when you see it lol ,thank you all  for your help. I will have a play around on railmaster after dinner and update on my progress 😀

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Hi Ray 

That looks perfect i can see how the points make the double slips and three way points,its easy to do when you see it lol ,thank you all  for your help. I will have a play around on railmaster after dinner and update on my progress 😀

I should have mentioned that the wiring needed for double slip points to their decoders needs careful attention. All is explained in this thread:-





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Hi Ray

I have put your railmaster plan on my layout plan and read the post you linked to about the wiring of the double slips, I think i have got my head round it now. On the pic i have set an example a double slip with point motors ( red lines) and numbered the points 1 and 2. So am I right in thinking when i click on the red or green buttons on point 1 I should have this wired to the blades on the right of the actual slip and the buttons for point 2 to the point motor on the left of the actual slip ..so in effect the slip is 2 points back to back but overlapping


I know on railmaster the buttons will operate the point they are snapped to when setup but in reality i wire the point motors the other way 

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Hi Paul,

Yes I think you have understood it correctly. If you could drag point 1 on the diagram and its buttons to the right so that the buttons pass those of point 2, then that looks more like the actual double slip. However, doing this is too messy for the RM track diagram. It is far better the way it is in your diagram, and the blue/grey route indicators on the points still show the correct route through the points.



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