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Class 423 couplings


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Firstly forgive me for only popping in when I need something. My collection has been gathering dust on the shelf or the shed for years but today I set up a small layout and decided to try my two new purchases ( 2015/16 ) Out for the first time. No problems running the HST but when it come to the 423 I was greeted with couplings I’ve never seen before, with the train having so many fragile parts on it I found i worried I’d break some when putting the carriages together, eventually I connected two but then couldn’t work out how to disconnect them and ended up running away scared of damaging it, it’s now back up in the display cabinet still attache. so my question is, is there a little trick to this? The guide in the box makes it look easy but to me I felt like I was applying too much pressure and as for disconnecting it I haven’t a clue. 


Thanks in advance 



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These look very similar to the type fitted to Hornby Int'l DMUs I have............


They need a fair amount of effort to pull them apart  -but they will come. They do get easier with time but make sure when you connect the the electrical pins are correctly alligned. Putting them together also needs what seems like too much force!


Have fun.

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I have just removed one of your two attempts above to reply where you have used the blue button without adding any additional text. I only left the second one because you did end up adding some new text in an edit. However it would have been better appreciated if you had followed the TIP below. Given that "ellocoloco" was the only prior reply and directly above yours, re-quoting it was rather superfluous.


TIP: You will have better luck with your replies if you do not use the 'white arrow in the blue box' button. This is not a 'Reply to this post' button. It is better to write your reply in the 'Reply text box' at the bottom of the page and click the green 'Reply' button.


Not having a go, using the blue button is something all relative newbies on the forum seem to do for some reason. I blame the forum SW developers for putting it there, just where a 'Reply' button is expected to be.

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