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Fiddle yard throat with RLM adding points


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Hi All

Ok a few weeks ago I started a topic about help with my fiddle yard throat and wiring 



now thats all sorted with a RLM within the area of track covered by the RLM would it be possible to fit electrofrog points or am I best to use insulfrog points here is a basic pic of where i want to fit the points to produce another sidings



the only reason I`m adding them in now is I have the room to fit them, I was not sure when I first planned the fiddle yard if I had the room or not, I know it would be very easy to do with normal points but for better running I was wondering if I could use electrofrog




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Yes you can fit electrofrog points in those locations. Just be sure that the input DCC feed to the frog switch (if you use one) is taken from the OUTPUT of RLM2 on the drawing. With IRJs on the frog output rails. Again, any power feeds you add to the sidings to compensate for the IRJs, should be taken from the RLM output. Remember any power feeds with reversed wire connections will create a 'short' that the RLM can not resolve, so be careful to plan these power feeds correctly.


Alternatively, you could also use electrofrog points straight out of the box 'as is' (with IRJs on the frog output rails) at those locations too without frog switching. Again, any power feeds you add to compensate for the IRJs, should be taken from the RLM output. Remember any power feeds with reversed wire connections will create a 'short' that the RLM can not resolve.


Alternatively, you could also use electrofrog points straight out of the box 'as is' (without any IRJs on the frog output rails) at those locations too without frog switching. But if you do that, you must not add any power feeds to the two sidings each new point controls (that is the new siding AND the existing siding the point is being added to). You must let the point switch rails provide the power onto the siding. The downside to this third option, is that there is no DCC power on the siding that does not have the route switched to.

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Hi Chriss

Sorry for the late reply busy at work thanks for the input. I see what you mean anything I add to the area controlled by the RLM  I take all feeds from the RLM output so using my adsx the power feeds for the frog are taken from the RLM output.

Thanks paul....

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