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Select controller and Cobalt iP point motors


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I am setting up a new layout. I have three locos programmed. I want to start addressing point motors and the two Cobalt iP I have installed first. I have disconnected all other point motors from the track bus and have allocated address 61 to the cobalt. I then need to de-activate the self-centreing which means sending '198' to the point. My Select display shows '19' and then '08'. My cobalt does not move. How do I address these point motors with Select please?

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How do I address these point motors with Select please?


The simple answer is that you can't.


This thread written earlier today answers your question. See my later reply on the thread time stamped at 11:44 for details.




Below is a short (short by my standards) summary answer:


You cannot use a Select to send the 198 address. 198 is outside the Select supported range of (60) 61 to 99. This is the reason that you get the 19 followed by 08 showing in the display. As you key in 198, the 19 shows and then is over-written by the 8 to display 08. The Select is a basic controller with limited features and CAN ONLY USE two digits for addresses.


So although you can use the Select to operate the Cobalt iP Digital if you use addresses in the 61 to 99 range for them. You will have to have the 198 DCC address sent from a borrowed controller that can do it to disable the 'self centering' function. You cannot operate the Cobalt iP Digital point motors using the Select controller until the 'self centering' function is switched off and you cannot use the Select controller to switch it off. You are currently in a 'Catch 22' situation scenario.


But do read the whole thread linked above for the full details of using the 198 address. It also involves a 'power cycle' of the Cobalt....read the whole post above for details of the complete Cobalt configuration process.


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The Cobalt iP Digitals are nice point motors with good built-in extras like frog polarity switching and Aux change-over contacts. If anything was going to be traded in, I personally would make that the Select. By now you must have realised that the Select cannot currently modify general CVs either, which rather limits its functionality.


In the other thread I gave the link for, the original poster was asking about using his Select WITH an Elite AND Cobalt iP Digitals. You might want to consider something similar. But personally, I would relegate the Select to being a 'spare' controller and just replace it......period.


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