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Lost everything


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Hi all

Had to do a rebuild of my computer,  New motherboard  , all is working as it should except rail master.  I've lost allmylocos and a message comes up saying it doesn't recognise some of the programmes.

Can anyone help please 

Regards Andrew 

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Look at page 129 to 132 of the RM manual.


It is not clear from your post if your computer rebuild kept the original HDD or not. If you installed a new HDD, then you will need the files listed in the manual (Page 132) retrieved from the old HDD assuming that is still working. You could attach the old HDD in a USB Caddy.


If you used the original HDD. Just download the RM installer from the link at the top of the RailMaster forum. Right click it and choose 'Run as administrator". This will over-write the existing installation maintaining your key etc, and reset your Windows Registry settings. This MAY possibly fix your errors.


If you reused the original HDD. The locos are held in the "resource.mdb" file....is this file present?

If it is, it might have been corrupted.

Find the "resource.bak" file.

Rename "resource.mdb" as "resource.old"

Rename "resource.bak" as "resource.mdb"


Does this fix the error?


If none of the above works:


And you did indeed rebuild the PC using the original HDD. Then as a last resort find the listed files in the manual. Copy them to a memory stick for safe keeping. Deactivate the RM key (Page 131), uninstall RM using the Windows uninstaller, then reinstall RM from scratch using the downloaded installer, re-activate it, then copy the files back from the memory stick.


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For the benefit of others who might have the same issue in the future and find this thread. I gave different potential fix options.


Which one, if any, of them actually resolved your issue?

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