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Seep pm2 point motor help

Stockton junction

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Hi guys

Ive been building my layout 

Dcc with code 75 trackwork

I have modified all my points for dcc and have been using seep switching point motors to control the frog

On my last trip to the model shop i bought 6 point motors wired them and then after installing 5 i realised they are pm2 not the switching ones  so not ever having used the non switching ones im unsure what to do???? I wired them up as i would the switching ones   with the 2 centre contacts going to dcc bus and the frog wire attached to the point motor as usual

So my question is this  will they still work the same  or will i have to scrap the 6 points  (not literaly) and just go and buy switching ones????  It may be a silly question but as ive never used the pm2 before ive just no clue   and i cerainly dont want to switch my system on in case it would cause an issue etc  so any help and advice would be appreciated

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The pm2 has no switch on it. If you look at the moving part you will note that the vertical part that engages in the point has no spring or small washer at the PCB end. Thus it will not change frog polarity for you. So connecting the DCC buss and frog to the PCB does nothing on a pm2.

You have two options, 1) cut your losses and remove them and fit the pm1.

2) use latching relays to switch the frog, but that will require extra wiring. Latching relay cost approx £3.20.

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For built in point position switching use the Seep PM1 or the Seep PM4 which also incorporates a mechanical latch to lock the motor in position - used mainly where no over centre spring is present on the point. 

You can still use the PM2 but not pads D, E and F but instead add onto its wiring going to A, B & C pads a GM500 latching relay.http://www.gaugemaster.com/item_details.asp?code=GM500&style=main&strType=&Mcode=Gaugemaster+GM500 which will provide two totally separate change-over contacts.  Or build your own using components at about half the ready made price. http://www.brian-lambert.co.uk/Electricalpage2.html#Unable


But to be honest, if you're using Code 75 points then seriously consider not using solenoid motors at all, but use slow motion Stall type motors such as a Tortoise or the DCC Concepts Cobalt ip range. They are much kinder to points rather than the harsh snap of a solenoid motor!

Edit to add last paragraph.

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Even though I use SEEP points PM1 which have the aux contacts i designed my own control box/panel. This uses a variation on the Brian Lambert system. I use DPDT mom-off-mom switches to utilize the output of the CDU to fire the points and latch the relay. Top lefthand mom is connected to the lower right mom this effectively reverses the out put of the CDU. The latching relay contacts are used to switch the frog polarity and change the signals. The aux contacts are used for additional signal switching if required. My first layout was up and running for three years using this method with no failures. In that time I had two sets of aux contacts fail. The other problem that I have encountered is that changing points by hand doesn't always move the armature far enough to make the aux contact, where as doing it by the control panel does, but with latching relays reliability is better.

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