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RailMaster, Elite and DCC Concepts ADS 8SX

Guest Chrissaf

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Have  layout of which there are 14 points: four of which have been paied to act "as one"

This means that am only using 10 ports on the accessory decoders. Have achieved the "10 ports" by linking two DCC Concepts AD S-8's together, as per the ADs-8's "through" ports. This should allow for some expansion later.

All wired up from the track "supply" : the "twin points" connected into one "port" as necessary..

So far so good:

Have gone to configure: Have selected the AD S-8 from the drop down box in the RM "dcc accessories"button, then on each point, selected the ad-s8 and configured a port for each point (although the paired points share a port number)

Threw the "set" (learn) switches, and selectd individual points. Only problem is that when clicking on the points for port one... they all operate, although only the points I want to change, show a change in RM!  Trying to change the other points doesn't thro on teh layoit, but  shows the change in RM!

Went back and read the DCC concepts manual... it said NOT to use the drop down box port configuration for each point ,but when installing a point in track designer, "give ita name", then merely click on the point whilst AD s8 is in learn mode and it will "hear" the command and autonmatically assign it to the connected port : Wasn't sure how to "name the point(s), so used the "label" function, to label individual and pairs of points from 1 to 10...

Set switched back to "run" and tried again...This time when A point is changed,they ALL change in RM,  but don't change on the layout!

In both cases I have tried doing them as a "batch" and doing them individually...

What a I (not) doing? Or what am I missing, or do I need to disconnect the motors and "connect and configure" one at a time?

Pages 3 & 6..






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Firstly you only configure the ADS 8SX ports ONE AT A TIME. You only operate the 'Set / Run' switch on the ADS port that you want to configure. Just to be super clear, the ADS 8SX has eight 'Set / Run' switches. You must only have one switch at a time in the 'Set' position. If you have more than one switch in the 'Set' position then all ports with the switch in the 'Set' position will learn the SAME address. You do not use a batch approach to perform ADS 8SX configurations.


Secondly, again just to be super clear. At no time do you need to connect the ADS 8SX to the 'PROG A&B' output of your Elite controller. All configuration activities are performed with the ADS 8SX connected to the main 'TRACK A&B' output of the Elite.


Thirdly, when configuring addresses on the ADS 8SX you do not need to access the 'Accessory Decoder' programming screen in RailMaster. This screen is not needed for 'self learning' decoders such as the ADS 8SX. To be super clear, you do not need to access the 'Accessory Decoder Programming' screen that is opened by clicking the icon button reproduced below:




Instead here is a 'step by step' tutorial for configuring the ADS 8SX using RailMaster.

Cobalt AD-S8sx Decoder setup :: Hornby Hobbies


If you are still struggling to set the ADS 8SX addresses using RailMaster, even with my 'step by step' tutorial instructions linked to above. It is actually easier to do using the Elite buttons and knobs. This assumes that you do indeed have an Elite as stated in your topic title and that it is not a typo and you actually have an eLink instead. If you genuinely have an Elite, then just put each ADS 8SX port in turn into the 'Set' position then use the Elite to send the point address you want to give it. You will still have to configure the point operating button icons in RailMaster on the 'Track Design' screen, but the process documented below for actually setting the physical DCC address is easier with the Elite. Remember at all times the ADS 8SX decoders must remain connected to the controller 'TRACK A&B' output whilst performing the procedure documented below.


For example say you want to give the ADS 8SX port address number 9. Substitute 9 with whatever address you actually want to give the ADS 8SX port.


Put the ADS 8SX port switch that you want to set as 9 in the 'Set' position.


From the Elite has just powered up screen (i.e this means it is in Locomotive control mode and showing 03 on the LCD screen). Press the 'ACC' key on the Elite.


If the LCD display does not show "Control Adr: nnnn" where nnnn is a number, then press the 'ACC' key again. A screen very similar to this one should be displayed.



Now key in the DCC Accessory address you want to send. In this particular case key in the number 0009. You have to include the leading zeros as the LCD displays a four digit number.


The 0001 in the image above should now read 0009


Now press the left controller knob on the Elite. This action assigns the 9 address to the left controller knob.


Now press the left controller knob again. This will send the DCC 9 address to the ADS 8SX. I would press the left controller knob a second time after waiting 2 seconds to be extra sure that the 9 address has been read by the ADS 8SX.


Now return the ADS 8SX switch to the ‘Run’ position.


The ADS 8SX port should now respond to the DCC Address 9.


Testing after setting the address.


As long as you haven't touched any of the Elite knobs and buttons. The Elite should still be in the Accessory DCC Address 9 point operation function. So as long as the 'Set / Run' switch is now back in the 'Run' position. Pressing the 'left' and 'right' controller knobs should operate the point motor and switch the point connected to that port in both directions.


Repeat the whole process above for all the other ADS 8SX ports one at a time, substituting 9 with the unique address that you want to give them. Until all the ADS 8SX ports are configured with their DCC addresses and tested. If you find that you operate the points from the Elite but still can't operate them from the RailMaster track layout screen using the point operating buttons. Then at least you will know that the error lies in the RailMaster track layout configurations.


Also ensure that the Elite starts up in 'Standard Mode' and not 'Classic Mode'. The mode is briefly shown during the Elite power up self test. The Elite MUST be in 'Standard Mode' to be compatible with RailMaster. See the Elite manual page 67 regarding changing operating modes.

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