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IFF (If and only IF) the DECODER fitted supports it: CV5 is top speed, and the alterntive supported by some (higher spec) decoders is to define your own

speed table.
The CHEAP Hornby Decoder does NOT support CV5 ( which I find VERY surprising since experience shows it to be the most important CV - essential for young children too)
The SAPHIRE DECODER supports CV5 AND the alternative option of your own

custom speed table.
FACTORY FITTED locos: SOUND fitted locos use ESU Loksound Decoders, and support both
CV5 and the custom speed table.
SILENT_PRE_FITTED locos .... 'anyones guess' ... which is why many people prefer not to buy pre-fitted: Eg The

Pendolino used a 'unique' decoder, at least on initial release. I believe later locos might use the basic decoder ,,, ie no CV5
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You shouldn't need to alter the speed steps as 128 is the default setting.
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Hi All

I have the R2991XS A4 Sparrow Hawk which on speed runs round the track far too fast. The automated setting speed on railmaster is 90, I have however reset this on railmaster to 60 to try and slow it down but to no avail.

Is it the

CV's I have to alter and if its set as the default setting what else can I do.
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Hi David55.
Hornby sound fitted locos do not use Hornby manufactured decoders. They are ESU LokSound.
The leaflet that came with the loco will have all the CVs that are adjustable, but its also available to download from the Hornby web site too.


reduce the top speed of this decoder you alter the value in CV5 (Top Speed CV). By default its set to 64 - max. speed. But its adjustable across the range of values from 0 to 64.
So try a setting of perhaps 50 and work up or down in value from that setting.

Trialling it after each change of CV5 value.
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Hi Flashbang

Thanks for that, will give it a go tonight.

I think I'll drag the train boxes out and make a folder with all of these sheets in it.

I presume that by doing this with all of my trains I can eventually get them to run at

the same speeds.
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Dear all DCC users,

Somewhere on this forum I had read that while adjusting the top speed CV5, also set CV6 at 75 - 80% of CV5. foe example if you have set CV5 at 20 then CV6 should be at 15 or 16. It gives smoothness to the locos. I have tried

it. If your CV6 reading is more than CV5 then the loco movements are jery and erratic.

Hope this helps.

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