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Points decoder vs select


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I’m am new to the forum (and my layout!) So apologies if this has been dealt with before. 

I have a DCC select which came with my Mixed Freight set, and happily run three locos. I wanted to add motors to my points, bought the appropriate Hornby points decoder and surface mounted motors. 

I programmed the motor as 61 on the select and it worked fine. But the locos wouldn’t run. So I reprogrammed them and they ran fine. Selecting 61 for the points and it didn’t work, unless I reprogrammed it, 

So I can either run the locos or operate the points, but not both teams together without reprogramming. 

Any ideas what I’m doing wrong?

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Welcome to the forum. It appears that you may be trying to programme the points decoder on the track whilst the locos are also on the track. You can either connect the decoder to the track ouputs of the Select, without the track connected, or if the decoder is already connected to the track, then remove all three locos and programme the decoder. At a later stage, if you need to add another point/accessory decoder, then you will have to connect this directly from the Select, without the track connected.

Hope this helps and resolves your problem.


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It sounds to me as if you are trying to program the points decoder whilst the Accessory Decoder is connected to the track and you still have your locos sitting on the track as well.


When programming something with the Select (whether that be a loco OR a Hornby R8247 Accessory Decoder), the item (loco decoder or Accessory Decoder) has to be the only thing that is connected to the Select output terminals.


For the same reason, only have one loco at a time sitting on the track when you are programming it, else you will give more than one loco the same address. Ideally, you need to have a separate dedicated piece of track put to one side that you use for programming locos on. This ensures the best possible connection quality between the loco and the Select for programming purposes. Using the whole track layout for programming purposes can interfere with the quality of the programming signal.


I suggest you get your locos correctly addressed first. Then disconnect the track from your Select so that the locos are completely separated from the Select, Then connect the Accessory Decoder DIRECTLY to the Select via a couple of wires to program port 1 as 61. Then reconnect the Accessory Decoder back onto the track to test the four Accessory Decoder ports which should now be 61 (port 1) to 64 (port 4).


EDIT: Ossie obviously types faster than me....and got in first.


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Many thanks Chrissaf and OssieB, 

Your solutions worked perfectly, and should have been obvious to me. Thanks for the info on the blue/white arrow also. I was trying to confirm your solutions had worked but obviously failed there as well. 


All sorted now, thanks again

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