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Track Layout [plan in RM]

Guest Chrissaf

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In the main setup screen select your saved track from the pull down (i.e. first oval). Save and close RM then when you startup again your track will be loaded as the default along with any locos you have put into roster.


Trackplans and locos are saved in different places so you do not have to reload all your locos if you change plans.


Remember if you change your plan in design mode say to add more track or points, etc or to add more locos, then save it and it will reload as the new version next time you start RM. The locos add to the roster as you add them - see the list at right of screen change as you save the new loco.

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The display for this appears on top of the existing default track/loco etc.


It sounds to me that what you have done is modified the default 'Sample' track plan with your 'First Oval' then saved it (possibly) with a new name i.e 'First Oval'.


Question.....when you started to draw your 'First Oval' track plan......did you start with a completely blank grid page with no track items placed on it?


However, I am still rather confused by your comment:


My problem is "How to "activate" the loco on my new track?


Locos and track plans in RailMaster are handled completely independently from one another. You could potentially operate locos on their own without ANY track plan at all. Conversely, you could use the track plan in total isolation to operate points and accessories and operate locos via another separate controller.


Does this mean that I have to setup the loco ID for each new layout?


No......you only set up locomotives once only. Any locos you configure and set up in RailMaster will be available for ANY track plan that you have available to you. As previously stated....locos and track plans are completely separate entities in RailMaster.


So the phrase 'activating' the loco on your new track plan is rather confusing.


Are you trying to say that when you open RailMaster....it loads with the default 'Sample' track plan and not the one you have drawn and given the name 'First Oval' to?


As Rob said in his post above.....you have to select the plan to load when RailMaster starts up in the 'System Settings' screen. In case Rob's description still confuses you....see image below:




If you have saved a track plan correctly and it does indeed have the name 'First Oval' you have given it, then when you open the 'pull down' dialogue box highlighted in the image above, then you should find your plan name listed there, and you can then select it. If it is not listed, then you haven't created it correctly yet. Once selected, close RailMaster and re-open it and your own plan should then be treated as the default plan to load at startup.


For future reference....based upon your posts so far...I suspect that you may have many more questions to ask about the basic 'set up' and operation using RailMaster software. Can I suggest that to save a lot of time, that you do 'screen captures' of your problems and post them with your questions. We don't have the ability to see over your shoulder and have to totally rely on the picture you paint in words. And since your words through no fault of your own lead to ambiguity, then a supporting image can be really helpful. You use the 'black and white hill' icon in the reply panel tool box to post an image. Note that your posts with images will not appear straight away and will be held back for administrator approval.



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Having setup the default track with DCC/eLink for first time, loco,signal lamps, etc are running OK.  I now want to setup my own track layout,

I have done this as a simple oval and saved it using the green arrow as "First Oval". The display for this appears on top of the existing default track/loco etc. My problem is "How to "activate" the loco on my new track?  When I try to run it it runs the default layout. Does this mean that I have to setup the loco ID for each new layout?

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Indeed there'd be a way to make railmaster works for different track plans with different loco rosters.


Just copy all files related to loco, groups and plans from railmaster.exe folder in a new folder or copy/rename in the same folder, then start railmaster, build a brand new loco roster, groups and plans (even controller data).

At exit from railmaster you will have updated files in the program folder you'd use as you want to swap from one setup to another.


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