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help with new doc loco please


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i have a problem with a new doc loco.....my 2 existing doc locos work fine. The new loco (with sound) went round the track once...stopped and now whenever it touches the track the select controler reports overload immediately...this happened before...i returned the loco but the replacement has done exactly the same thing so i think i must have a problem with my set up but cant understand why the other 2 locos work just fine.( they are however much smaller than the new one and neither of them have sound)...i’m a total newcomer so please help !

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What happens if you remove ALL your locos from your track EXCEPT the new sound one. Does it still do the same?...yes...if i take overthing off of the track, turn off the control unit...and turn the control unit back on, as soon as put my new loco back on the track....the control unit reports OL immediately 


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I know it doesn't sound plausible, but it does look as if you have been supplied sequentially with two faulty locos. There might be a batch fault. I think you probably need to discuss this issue at length with your loco supplier.


Is it a Hornby TTS Sound loco?......if it is, then there are loads of posts on this forum where brand new 'out of the box' TTS locos have completed one circuit of an oval and then gone 'short circuit'. I think what normally happens is that the really cheap speaker that is used goes 'short circuit' first. This fries the 'audio amp' of the decoder, which in turn fries the 'decoder' itself causing the OL on the controller.


Since you are actually getting an OL display on the Select, do we take it that you are using the uprated 4 amp supply with it. Normally the standard 1 amp supply just shuts down when a short is detected, causing the Select to reboot.



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