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Track Question

The Bowl

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Hi folks, first post though have been reading for a while. Recently setup my first DCC set. Would I be right in saying that I can’t be using older track on newer DCC due to the different voltage? I have a heap of older track from my previous DC set that hasn’t been used recently and just wondering if it can be used to extend the layout or not! I may look tomrun the DC round the outside for show.


Thanks in advance.

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Track is track it makes no difference, the main thing to be aware of is that the DC track power connectors have suppression capacitors in them. These should be removed before using them on a DCC layout. Points also need to be made DCC friendly by fitting R8232 DCC point clips.



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DCC is so much less forgiving than DC when using corroded track. If your track is showing signs of rust, then it is steel and not Nickle Silver. Track that is rusty will give you nothing but trouble, particulary with DCC. Bin it, it is a false economy to try and clean up rusty steel track. It will start to rust again very quickly.

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