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TTS Vent Van Function Entries in RM New Version

Guest Chrissaf

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You can write anything you like in the description box (e.g. cobblers on/off) so just truncate it to fit. Writing it in anew will preclude the “/“ error message. 

Also report the problem to HRMS and they will amend the descriptions for next time.

I can’t change titles (too dim) but maybe one of the others can.

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I debated whether to add this to the existing thread but then thought it would get lost. So hence a new thread. 


As most Vent Van owners will know, the new version of RM comes with the sound functions ready populated (the van was not in the old database).



However I only just noticed that, in my copies anyway, F6 and F7 has too many characters so that those two entries ends with "on/of", thus missing an 'f'.


It's necessary to cut out one character from the sound description in order to add the extra 'f' at the end for the latching function to work correctly. However, as I have found out to my cost, it is easy to bring up the RM error message about the use of the "/" symbol here and it is IMPOSSIBLE to clear that error message window. There is a green tick there but that does nothing. The only way I could close RM was through Windows Task Manager, so edit with care!

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