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RailMaster and R8247 decoders not programming

Guest Chrissaf

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I have tried to program my points decoders through Railmaster. It goes through the write process and takes a little time. Once done, I then read the points and they come up programmed in the 4000 range, I program again and read and then they come up in the 700 range. They do not seems to be getting written too or holding a consitant port number always 4000 and 700 range. They are second hand and came programmed and worked prior to me trying  to re program. Can anyone help, had a similar experience?

Should I buy a select or Elite for this purpose as this seems to be the most common way of programming these decoders?


Any help appreciated I am now pulling my hair out 🤐

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The R8247 decoders can become corrupted very easily. Particularly if they have been subjected to 'short circuits' that can happen on the track. Short circuits with DCC create high spike voltages that can damage the electronics in R8247s. They can be reset to look and act normally, but their damaged electronics then become susceptable to the slightest disruption.


This may be why they were being sold 'second-hand'.


These odd addressing number issues have been reported before.


I suggest first of all that you perform a factory reset of the R8247s. To factory reset, you write value 8 to CV8. When using eLink, unless you have RailMasterPro you have to use the loco CV writing screen to reset a R8247.


The 'How To' is detailed in this previous post (4th post down on the page):



Once 'reset' and showing Address 1-4 (default) in the Accessory Decoder 'read value box' in the configuration screen (as detailed in the linked post above). Then try re-addressing them again.


To ensure that you are doing the addressing correctly, then follow the method described in this previous post (4th post down on the page):



Remember....you must remove the R8247 from the main 'Track A&B' output of the eLink and connect the R8247 directly with wires to the eLink 'PROG A&B' output of the eLink as the only attached device. If you have not done this, then this may account for your configuration issues.


Should I buy a Select or Elite for this purpose as this seems to be the most common way of programming these decoders?


I certainly wouldn't buy a Select to configure the R8247s. The Select has its own way of setting decoder addresses that is different to RM eLink and Elite and limits you to addresses only in the 61 to 99 range. If I recall correctly, the majority of previous reports about these odd DCC addresses, involved R8247s that had previously been configured on a Select and were now going to be used with RM with eLink or Elite. Can you recall the previously working addresses, if they were in the 61 to 99 range, then that could explain your current issue too.


Conversely, the Elite has two operating modes. Classic and Standard. Any R8247s that are configured using the Elite in 'Classic' mode have issues working with RM. The Elite is a good upgrade to consider when replacing the eLink as the Elite works with RM too. But remember that the Elite must be put into 'Standard' operating mode to be compatible with RM. Elite 'Standard' mode is best used for configuring any R8247s as well, if not performed via RM. Using the Elite as a 'stand alone' controller for configuring R8247s is not particularly 'straight forward' and can use something called 'group addressing'. Using RM to address a R8247 is IMO the best optimum and most straight forward method.


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